musings of a restless spirit

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Next Right Thing

Over the years that I've been a part of Candlewood, I've heard Kathryn Whitney, our pastor's wife, say many times that life is about just doing the next right thing. It's easy for us all to get overwhelmed by our to-do lists and our relationships and all the tenants that supposedly make a solid Christian life, but in the end it's about being faithful in the little things.

So as I've started 2011 I'm really trying to live this out. Sure, I have a list of resolutions for the year. But I've been at this long enough to know that I can't put too much stock in any of these things, or else I'll wind up feeling guilty and disappointed. So each morning I just concentrate on doing the next right thing- spending time with the Lord in the mornings; going to work and doing my best at my job; loving my husband well; taking care of our home; investing in my friendships; serving our church, etc. I fail each and every day, but there's also so much grace. One of my favorite verses says this: "Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

We had a wonderful Christmas. We spent Christmas itself in Pella this year, and it was a nice time. The nieces made everything much more magical and joyful. And we also had a good time at my parents' in Amana in the days following Christmas. It was great being with my sisters and my parents, and even getting to catch up with a few friends. It was a great week. But I was also very happy to come home again and slow down a bit. December was such a busy month, so it's been good to breathe a little and start the new year fresh.

I was sick with a nasty cold the past few days, and today I'm finally starting to break free from it. I left the house this morning for the first time in days and went and spent some time with Liz. It was really encouraging for my spirit just to talk about our struggles and victories and the ways that God is so faithful even when we are not, and so full of grace even when we don't give it to ourselves. I came home just feeling renewed and ready to get back to life. I put on some music, started some laundry, and cleaned the kitchen. And this song, "New Beginning" by Andrew Osenga, came on and I found it appropriate for how I've been feeling this afternoon. New Year's Day doesn't have to happen just once a year- it can happen on January 17 and again on February 21 and on March 30. His mercies are new every morning.


Blogger Christina said...

I love that verse from Lamentations! There are some nights when I just have to tell myself, "Tomorrow is a new day." And that is enough comfort to keep me moving forward.

Thank you for the encouragement, Nicole! XOXO!

11:23 PM

Blogger Elizabeth said...

What gumption you have! It really is so hard just to do the next right thing...and to start out doing the first right thing...and to continue doing right things. Thanks for your encouragement, Nicole. You are so joyful and yet real. I appreciate thee!

12:41 PM


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