Six Months
Yesterday was a great day. Like, the great kind of day when not even tense work situations or crabby constituents can get you down (I had a few of those moments yesterday, and frankly didn't care a bit).
I got up more or less on time in the morning, which is no small feat for me. I was able to spend some time with God- I just started going through this study on Philippians and am quickly realizing that it's probably my favorite book- so many of my favorite verses are in there. So, I drove to work feeling encouraged and refreshed, listening to Jon Foreman. When I got to work, I was enjoying a really yummy bowl of my new favorite cereal (Just Bunches), and a very sweet email popped into my inbox from Jenn. I love her- she's good stuff.
It all just started on a sweet note- nothing major, but blessings all the same. Elaine and I went to Jimmy John's for lunch, which is always a good time, and when I got back, I checked my email to find that Matthew had sent me a song on imeem. That alone made my day right there. But then, an hour or two later, my co-worker called me to the front desk because there was a flower delivery for me. Matthew had sent me a beautiful red Gerber daisy. From that point on, I didn't stop smiling the rest of the day. Oh- and then I checked my bank account and saw that I got my tax return! It just kept getting better and better.
At 6:00, Matt was at my door with more flowers- six white daisies to celebrate six months together. We enjoyed a lovely evening of dinner at Bianco, Coldstone ice cream, and great music and conversation. Half a year already... I am such a blessed girl!

Times go so quickly; it blows my mind that it's been half a year already!
And here's to many more happy months!!! :)
P.S. Last night, Ted and I celebrated 3 months of marriage! Wahoo!
12:51 PM
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