Drama Club, Baby Boys, and Familial Blessings!
I love nights like this. The sun is still up at 8:00, the dishes are all clean and put away, my husband is downstairs tending to our plants, and we're just enjoying the first low-key night we've had in awhile.
I don't like just using the word 'busy' to describe life. Yes, it is busy... but I guess I just prefer to think of it as full, rich, maybe... Life has been full of the sweetness of changing seasons and rich with family and good friends.
A couple of weekends ago, we went back to eastern Iowa and enjoyed a really nice visit. That Friday night, we went to Mount Mercy for their spring play. Kathi (my former theater professor) from time to time will invite alumni to be in her shows. And since Ann is currently teaching at MMU, Kathi convinced Ben to audition for the show. So, since it had been a few years since I'd been back on campus, and back in that "third world theatre", I just had to go see Ben's return to the stage.
It was a fun night. Prior to the show, we met up with Ann, my former English professor (and advisor) Mary Vermillion, and a few other MMC alums at a British Pub called the Londoner. We caught up over fish and chips, and then headed over to the McAuley Theater for the show.
My parents and Nancy came, too... My dad was really excited to see his buddy Ben onstage. He even jokingly asked for his autograph after the show. Ben re-introduced my dad to Kathi by saying, "You remember Nicole's father? We go to baseball games together." And they do. Plans are in the works for their outing to a Cedar Rapids Kernels game this spring. They're funny.
Saturday was simply a lovely day. I got to spend a few hours with my dear Aroea and her boys, and also got to see Leslie and her family, her particularly Lincoln, her new baby boy.
And since that weekend, we've just been keeping busy (er, full and rich!) with spring- we're starting the garden, I got a new (used) bike last week (I can't wait for it to warm up so I can ride it!), and we've been doing some not-as-fun but definitely necessary spring cleaning.
On top of all that, Nancy came to visit yesterday! She came on a whim yesterday afternoon and I just loved having her here. We cooked supper together, talked a lot, and played Settlers of Catan with Matthew. She even got up at 5:45 in the morning with me today to work out! I love my little sister!!
And that brings us to here, Monday night. In an effort to take advantage of what's left of this low-key night, I bid you adieu and happy spring!!
rich, full - love it!
7:10 AM
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