musings of a restless spirit

Monday, November 13, 2006

I'm Alive, Tauna (I talked to you twice last night!)

This post is a reaction to Tauna's clever comment questioning whether or not there is breath in my lungs. And there is.

I think the reason I don't write more often is that I always want to sound cohesive in what I share. I want what I say to matter a little in some way.

But today, I think I'll just have to throw that notion out the window...

I went back to Amana/CR this weekend. On the surface, I went so I could see Nancy perform in her very last high school musical ever. My real motivation, however, was to see my babies.

Saturday was one of the strangest days ever. In the afternoon, Mom and I went to Aroea's house, where two-month-old Cainen threw up on me. Twice. He covered my sweater, my khakis, everything. But I really didn't mind. It was a bonding experience, I suppose. Some day when the kid is older I can tease him about it. Plus, he's just so darn cute. After my dad came to pick up my mom and drop off a change of clothes for me, I headed up Oakland Road and arrived at Matt and Leslie's, where one-year-old Nolan greeted me with smiles and hugs. He's such a friendly kid. I like him! Before too long, then, the Petersen clan arrived for dinner. Nolan and Sophie are only three weeks apart, but Nolan's big for his age and Sophie is small, and it was cute watching them interact. Nolan was almost petting her, all protective like...

But it was strange to sit around that dinner table- Matt and Leslie on one end with Nolan in the high chair, Josh and Katie on the other end with Sophie in her chair, and me in the middle, just eating my pizza. How can these people be the same age as me?? On top of all that, yesterday I stopped in Des Moines on my way back and saw Wendy and Clint's new house. It was all so grown-up!

Also this weekend, I spent time in every single school I've ever attended, which was also bizarre. On Friday I ate school lunch with Kristie in her office at the elementary/middle school. It was surreal to use the restroom in the elementary wing, with the blue walls and exact same paper towel dispensers. I just looked in the mirror and saw my short-haired, dorky kid self. And school lunch? I really haven't missed it! I was just glad that Kristie didn't make me eat my green beans!

Then that night I went to the high school to see Nancy's show, and on Saturday night Theresa Roberts and I went to the Mount Mercy play before we went back to her apartment to just lay on her bed and shoot the breeze in a dramatic fashion. I love being with a fellow Drama Queen every now and then. Not to mention that Theresa is my only single friend in the entire state of Iowa, so it was a welcome change from the domesticity of the weekend!

So there you have it, Tauna. That was my weekend. Not necessarily cohesive, not necessarily elegant, just what it is...


Blogger Sweet Marie said...

Nicole, your weekend was far more meaningful and exciting then mine could ever get. I'm okay with you writing blogs that are just what you did, how else can I waste my time advoiding studying?

3:45 PM


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