Drama Club
At the One Acts last month, Kathi suggested she and Ann and I get together sometime over graduation weekend. And when I learned that the infamous Bill Huff was also in town, we all decided to make an event out of it. So yesterday, after I visited Aroea and Cainen for a bit, I met up with Ann, Ben, Kathi and Bill at Ruby Tuesday's. Oh, the drama...
That Kathi Pudzuvelis is just too funny. Our poor waitress didn't know what to think of her. She started to read off the beverage list and partway through Kathi cut her off: "Wait. Stop. Back up. What in the world are Jones sodas? I am not of this culture..." No, she certainly isn't, and that's why we all love her craziness.
And so Bill told us stories of Boston: "I'm not in love with Boston, the way that I need to be in love with a city. But it's a great place to be at this point in my life," Ann and Ben showed pictures of their new house, and I just took it all in. It was a great day full of many of my favorite people.
Kathi was 20 minutes late for lunch because she just had to stop at the Salvation Army on the away. Of course. Naturally. She had sassy scarves for all of us, including Ben. His can be made into an ascot, Bill's had leopard print, and Ann's and mine both sorta matched what we were wearing. And of course Kathi kept one for herself.
I will say it again: "Oh, the drama..."

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