These are the Days of My Life...
All eloquence aside, here's what I've been up to: At the end of June my parents and Nancy came to visit. Within one weekend we went to two art museums, an art fair, a play, a movie, and ate some cheesecake.
Then of course there was the 4th of July, which I spent in Lincoln with Jonelle. Lincoln has a very impressive fireworks show. Tim, Jonelle's fiance, performed with the Lincoln Symphony Orchestra, and it was all good summer fun.
Then Ann Pleiss Morris came to visit so we could have a theater weekend of sorts. We went to Shakespeare on the Green and had a picnic Friday night, went to Lincoln to see my favorite little-known musical The Last Five Years, ate some yummy ice cream, and talked a lot about twentysomething angst. She says that experts say that 27 is supposedly the year that you figure things out, and so far she says that's been true in her life. That's encouraging!

Annie, Tom, Jenn and me at the festival.
Natalie, Kevin and their dog Izzy came Saturday night for a quick visit. I really only got to spend time with them Monday night, but it was exciting because that afternoon Kevin found out he got accepted into medical school in Kirksville, Missouri. So we went to Cheeseburger in Paradise and toasted Kevin's success. I was excited that the timing allowed for us all to celebrate together.

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