introducing: betsy
I'd like to introduce Betsy. I probably haven't mentioned her all too much over the years, but that's kind of odd because she's been very influential in my life. In many ways, she had as much to do with the early formation of my faith as Kristie did. They were cohorts, partners in crime, Jesus Freaks who brought their... freakishness?... to our middle school lives.
I now mention Betsy today because, seemingly randomly, she sent me an email responding to a message of mine from months ago. Today was a good day to send such an email. Today was day three of my Tear Fest (so far 2007 has been off to a less-than-dry start). I started the day reading from a devotional book that reminded me that God goes before me and my anxiety, leading the way. He was in today long before I arrived. And Betsy reminded me of the truth of this.
I don't even remember what I wrote about in the email Betsy was responding to. That's how long ago it was. But it was no coincidence that today was the day she chose to respond. It was definitely God-ordained. She wrote to me about how much she loved graduate school and how influential it was on her life. In fact, once her kids are out of school, she may want to go back.
But this is what was so amazing: "How do we know that it is time for change? Well, for me it is time to change when I feel comfortable, bored, and needing a challenge. That time is coming, I feel it in my heart and know that I am ready... I wish for you in this new year the ability to stop paining over decisions and go with your instinct. Remember that very few decisions are irrevocable. If you don't pack the right clothes, you will be able to borrow or make due and find it wasn't that important. If you go to graduate school there is another job somewhere waiting for you when you get out.
"Perhaps the most amazing thing is that God will use you wherever you land. He doesn't map your life, he fits his plan within the decisions and choices that we make. We really can't go wrong unless we decide to do something that goes against Him. Cool! That makes me feel great."
That makes me feel great, too!
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