musings of a restless spirit

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The British are Coming!

Sometimes, I wish I was British. Michaela tells me I'd blend in very well in London. She says I have a similar disposition.

Aroea once told me she saw me ending up with a British guy who likes to read; Sara Freppert also once predicted that I'd be with a guy with an accent.

I need to go visit Michaela.

She sounds British, without the accent. We had dessert at Applebee's tonight, and as always it was good to catch up. She'd refer to things as "sweet" and used the word "lovely" a lot. And instead of saying, "Oh, bless him", she'd just say "Bless." Like: "Oh, that mother of mine. Bless..." It was cute. And she referred to my cell phone as my mobile.

I love it when she "pops" into town (not that one can easily pop from London to Omaha), because it's always unexpected. And on Tuesdays, sometimes the unexpected can make the week pop a little, even if that means staying up way past my bed time!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Pizza and Prayers

What's great about God is that he is faithful even when I'm not. I've spent the past weeks (maybe even months) whining about how nothing ever changes. I started this year feeling so discouraged, so devoid of hope, so stuck. Charlotte and Beth were also discouraged. 2007 had a crummy start.

But within a course of the week, everything changed. For all of us.

On Tuesday night I had dinner with Jonelle, as I usually do on Tuesday nights. We usually talk about her relationship with Tim (aka Honey), and lately that discussion has centered around their hope to get engaged soon. Jonelle said to me, "I really hope that Tim calls my dad tonight." So as we said grace before our meal, I thanked God for her friendship, hospitality and food and added, "And please have Tim call Mike tonight. Amen."

Meanwhile, Charlotte, Beth and I all have been praying for jobs. I needed wisdom as to whether to take Elaine's; Charlotte interviewed for a new, better position at the bank; and Beth is getting ready to graduate and needs some positions to open up that she can apply for here.

Last night, the four of us gathered at California Pizza Kitchen for dinner. We always have dinner together on Fridays. Beth and I got there first, and we talked some about my job situation. I haven't told the bosses yet, but I've pretty much decided to take Elaine's job. How can I pray for change on January 1st, have this drop in my lap, and not take it?

Then Charlotte and Jonelle arrived, and within minutes Charlotte announced that she got her job! We were so excited, especially since it had taken longer to find out about it than normal and we were concerned it wasn't going to be a go. So we were all just giddy with excitement. "Great things come in threes, Beth," we said. I'm sure that her dream job is just around the corner!

Then we segued into the usual chit-chat. At this point we'd been at the restaurant a good 15-20 minutes. I told Jonelle that we're having an Oscar party at her house on Sunday night- hope you don't mind! She told me that Tim would be there, and I said, "Great! I haven't actually seen him since you got back together (since the summer)! I need to see you two together. I need some... validity." Then, casual as all get out, Jonelle put her left hand on my arm and slyly said, "How's this for validity?"

There was a ring there, and I about pushed her out of the booth for taking 20 whole minutes to tell us. We all started screaming with excitement. We were probably so obnoxious to our neighboring booths. We celebrated the rest of the night with great conversation and chocolate cake. What a joyful, hopeful night!

And guess when Tim called Jonelle's dad? Yep, Tuesday night.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Communion at 34,000 Feet

One of the placest I feel closest to God is when I'm flying.

I love the window seat. I love looking below at all the lights, all representing more people, places and stories than my human mind can even comprehend. To know that God is above it all, that he knows each person, place and story so intimately, leaves me wide eyed with wonder.

Flying gets me to dreaming, to thinking about all the places there are to go and the people there are to meet. Being in the air gives me hope. It excites my heart with possibility.

I went to Washington, DC this week for a conference for my job, and every time I go, I feel that I grow just a little bit more. I grow as I learn my way around the city, and feel confident enough to venture off to a new place completely alone. There was a day when I would be scared to death of such a move. It reminds me of the growth that has happened in my job. Two years ago, when I first visited Capitol Hill, I was scared to death. Sick to my stomach, even. It was awful. This week I made some visits and just marched right in. I spoke confidently and (I like to think) intelligently. I know what I'm doing.

And on my trip in the plane, I grow just a little bit in my faith, somehow. The reminder of God's power and the reminder of the potential that lies before me encourages my spirit. I often read Relevant Magazine on my flights, and that contributes to my enthusiasm. I read stories of people- twentysomethings- who are changing the world through their writing, their businesses, their charities, their service, their relationships, their art, their music. They're my kind of people and my kind of stories, and as I fly at 34,000 feet I pray that God might use me in a similar manner. I pray that he will give me a vision as to how I might use my talents for His kingdom, and the bravery to pursue his will.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Change, after all

Well, I don't know why I was so worried on January 1 that nothing would change in my life this year. It's only February, and some big changes are happening career-wise.

My work friend Kristin has taken a job in Minneapolis, which is starting a wave of change in the office, in that my other work friend, Elaine, who's pregnant with Baby Number Two, wants to go 3/4 time, and Kristin's job would work better for those hours. So, it looks like Elaine might take Kristin's job, and rumor has it that I might have the opportunity to pursue Elaine's job.

The thought leaves me with mixed feelings. The pay would be so much better, it would be amazing. So, really, that would be the sensible thing to do. Except that if I took this new job, I'd have to start over in many ways, which wouldn't be so bad, if not for the fact that I'm finally now getting comfortable in my current job. I'm seeing the fruit of the last almost-three years start to pay off. I'm enjoying it. I'm growing in it. It's good.

But I'm poor, and would be crazy to walk away from this new possibility.

I babysat Elaine's son last night, and when she and her husband got home, I stayed for another 45 minutes just discussing all the goings-on at work. Interesting shifts are ahead. I'm just praying for wisdom to make the right decision as to how I might fit into these changes...