musings of a restless spirit

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Wheels on the Bus...

I think I've come to some sort of turning point. I was sitting at work today, semi-frustrated with things in my job. It's not that I don't have enough to do. No, those days are over. Instead, it was more of a "I have too much to do and I don't quite know how to get it done" sort of a feeling. I feel frustrated with my lack of expertise, and I hate doing half-ass work. So I started thinking about grad school, or moving elsewhere to do something else at some point. Those are usually encouraging thoughts when I'm feeling ill at ease with Life in General. But not anymore. No, sirree. Instead, I started to freak out. You mean this won't be forever? You mean someday I might have to move again? Go through all of this again? Leave this city and these friends? What's that about?? It's kinda crazy, but lately I've been genuinely excited about Life in General. I find myself not really wanting to move home because all of my friends in the state of Iowa are married or on their way to it, it seems. I feel happy and at ease with where I am here, today. So, it was upsetting to be pulled back into dreams that will upset this contentment, to realize their is no station and I better just deal with it. Weird, huh?

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Excuses, Excuses

I promised myself that I would write a blog entry before the weekend was up, so here I sit, ready to get comfy in my warm covers and start what promises to be an insane, hectic yet delightful week. But first I have to face Monday morning.

Anyone who knows me well (which includes everyone who even knows about this blog!), knows that I like my sleep and that I'm not a huge fan of morning. Well, lately things have become worse, and I don't know why. I can sleep 8+ hours at night and still have a boxing match with my alarm clock in the morning. Last week was particularly rough. I was sluggish in the afternoons, and I was in bed pretty darn annoyingly early. My work friend Kristin thinks I have hyperthyroidism or something. I made a doctor's appointment.

So, that's my excuse from being absent from the blogging world. That, and not know quite what to say. That, and Tauna's blog is definitely getting it done. That's a good read right there!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Welcome, Cainen

Early this morning I received one of the most memorable phone calls of my life. It was Aroea. "Good morning, Auntie Nicole," she whispered. I immediately started jumping up and down (in true five-year-old fashion) at the news of the birth of her son, Cainen Knight, at 2:00 this morning. I was surprised that Aroea herself called me, far more calm and relaxed than I would be, giving me the details of the rigourous past 24 hours that culminated in the arrival of Cainen. I couldn't help but be a little tearful at the thought of this new little guy, born to such amazing friends like Aroea and Kevin. What a beautiful birthday present! I'm very sad that I'm not in Cedar Rapids this weekend, that I can't go to the hospital to meet him, but I know I can be patient, and that the opportunity will come soon enough. How surreal. Aroea and Kevin are now Mom and Dad, and nothing will be the same for them again. Back in April I felt him (then referred to as Baby Napoleon) kick. And now he's here. Everything went so well. What a blessing...