B5 Brides
Yes, I know. Three blog posts in one weekend (see the "Recent Posts" on the sidebar on the right- Blogger is acting up and they're not loading correctly on the current page). This is some kind of record. But I've finally had some time to write the posts I've had in my head over the past few weeks, so here they are.
So, over the years, I've talked a lot about my B5 girls. B5 was the apartment I lived in for my Junior and Senior years at Mount Mercy. And when I refer to the B5 girls, they are the 7 of us who lived there Senior year: Me, Staci Mae, Wendy, Angie, Christina, Emily and Tauna. In the 7 years since graduation, the only times that a critical mass of us have gotten together has been for weddings (with the exception of one camping trip in the summer of 2007). So, now I don't know what we're going to do now that wedding #7 has taken place...

My wedding, June 2010
Yep, two weeks ago we drove to Illinois for Tauna and Erik's big day. It was a really fun trip- we stopped in the Quad Cities to visit Greta and her family, and Matt's college friend Ben and his family, and then it was down to Macomb, where we were able to stay with Ben and Michelle and the girls in their new house. It was great to have some extended time with them! And the wedding itself was fun. The reception was very charming- a big tent in her parents' back yard in the country, with white Christmas lights, pink Gerber daisies, and good company. It was fun to see Wendy and Clint, Staci, Greg and Lucas, and another old friend from college, Debbie, and her husband Mike and son Henry. It was really a lovely night. And we had a great time with the other Van Zantes as well, as always. All in all, a very nice weekend!
P.S. And in other B5 news, Angie and Mike just had their baby this past week- a little girl named Harper Rose. Congrats, Mike and Angie!
P.S. And in other B5 news, Angie and Mike just had their baby this past week- a little girl named Harper Rose. Congrats, Mike and Angie!