Barefoot in the Grass
The close of yesterday left me thinking that if I stay here, in Omaha, in fellowship with these people, for the rest of my days, that would be okay with me. That usually means something is up ahead that's going to trip me up, but for now I am reveling in the feeling of... what is it?... home. Wow. I never thought I'd write those words about this city.
But it's true. It was a weekend full of pictures of community in action. On Saturday morning, I joined some people from the college group at the Bemis, where we helped Annie clean the second floor studios. It was cool to see so many people out on Saturday morning, serving those artists. Saturday night, after church, a girl got baptized. At Standing Bear Lake. At 9:30 at night. In the rain. In April. I thought she was very brave. It was cool to see so many out there as witnesses, huddled under umbrellas and hoodies, praying and singing together in the rain.
After the baptism, our group went to Old Chicago for a late dinner. Randy, Aleeta and I sampled all of the "beer flights" the place has to offer. It wasn't actually a lot of beer (one pint per person), but it looked like it. As you can see, it took up the whole table. It was a good time with good friends.

Yesterday after church, Tom hosted a cook-out at his house, and a whole herd of us gathered in the backyard and played ball. I was wearing boots, so had to go barefoot in order to play. I know it's a bit of a cliche, but there is nothing like the feeling of barefeet in the grass! And I actually hit the ball once. It was exciting. I would've made it home, too, if David hadn't conveniently fallen down in my path. Cheater.
In the afternoon, Tabitha and I (and eventually Charlotte) went on a walk in Tabitha's neighborhood. There are some beautiful homes around there, so it provided a welcome change in scenery. I talked with Tabitha about how I've been feeling distant from God lately, how my prayer life has been dry. She encouraged me to switch things up- to find new times and places to get together with Him. This morning, the verse I read was exactly what I needed to light the fire again:
O God, you are my God,
earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you,
my body longs for you,
in a dry and weary land
where there is no water.
-Psalm 63:1
I prayed when I drove to work. I have a 20-25 minute commute, and it never before occurred to me to pray. But today I did and it made for a great, refreshing start for a Monday. That in itself was an answer to prayer: that I'd find time each day to connect.
It was a good day. I even got to have lunch with Michaela, who is back in town from London. I always love catching up with her. She's becoming quite the Brit, referring to guys as blokes and such. It was great seeing her.
Right now I am watching the Indians-Yankees game on ESPN. Cleveland is winning. Oh, crap. They just tied. At the Y tonight I was a little too excited that this game was on TV. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm watching baseball, and in a few minutes I'm going to watch my newest obsession, a show about high school football. It's very odd.
The Yankees just scored again. I better turn this off. Uncle Joe says that I'm throwing off the baseball universe by caring about this team this year. I don't want their loss to be my fault, so I best go hop in the shower and let the game go...